All throughout our most innovative decades, we have never completely lost sight of the shear humanity of the connections we share. I stand before you now, the product of my network. Built by the hands of the multitude of organisms I sometimes feel apart from. Organism Earth. Organism Universe. The cosmos in a body of flesh. Pieces of me scattered across the vast expanse of non-linear time and space. A vibrating waveform in every pore. Light particles and dark matter. No empty to be filled. No blank space awaiting structure. No emotion to it's own. No separation but of man's creation.
A game of realities. A contemplation of perspectives. A long, drawn-out exhalation cresting it's inverse. In verses of poets gone to depths lie, in silence, the meter of mother and father spirit. Each unto itself, but a reflection to gods and goddesses formed for allegorical theatre. Understanding the whole from within, while playing only a part.
Stand to the star we call Sun and pause in the brilliance of transmission. Love in every language and interpret the scrolls. Bind electrons internal with no thought of the process. In containers of flesh, bone, fluid, muscle, nerve, brain, spirit and heart. In here, the process moves on it's own. An evolution beyond our making. And beyond our understanding.
The process continues. Within us. Without us. No need attempt ask why. Just enjoy the dance and laugh as the changes play.
I alone am a universe of wonder.